Monday, June 30, 2003

I'm so insanely tired right now.. I've been helping Kat and Mike move stuff all night, and even now Kat and Mike are still going. I'm in awe of them- I don't know how they're still moving. Also, I'm very glad that I get to wait for the UPS guy. I'm going to sleep soon, and with any luck wake up when the phone rings and he's delivering the new modem.

Anyway, I've decided that no sane people should have to watch the sun rise, and hear all the radio announcers saying goodmorning without having slept first.

Last night I had big plans to work on job applications. I would've gotten to them too... except I really felt as though my help would be more usefull elseware . Today. *crosses fingers* Today I will get them done. Because I don't want to put it off again.

Oh yeah, and tonight there will be dancing. I if I don't collapse first.

Knee hurts. Fingers hurt. Wrist hurst. Heavy boxes suck, marble tabletops suck worse. Mike is still my personal hero (he's practically superman, minus the flying ability- which he might possibly just be keeping a secret). And Kat... Kat is my favoritest older sister role model.

Now, sleep.

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