Thursday, June 26, 2003

Somedays, I look in the mirror, and wonder what it is everyone sees in me. I'm breaking out a lot these days, and my hair is all over the place when it's not drooping. I'm definatly not the skinnest girl in the world, and not close to being the healthiest skinniest girl in the world. I've got curves alright, but more curves than one would hope for. *sigh*

Somedays, it's hard to feel pretty.

Somedays, I look in the mirror, and I wonder what my eyes say to other people. I smile, and wonder how common that is for me when I'm not forcing smiles. Someone once saw something about me and called it beautiful. So, there's got to be something worthwhile about the way I look.

Somedays, it's even harder to believe I'm pretty.

Today, I'm looking really hard. I'm trying not to care.

Somedays, it can't not matter anymore. Somedays you need to find beauty within.

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