Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Doctors make me sad. I'm scared of them, because they're strange, and they have so much power- they can diagnose anything, and can fix or break you at will.

I was at the doctor today, to see about my knee. She was not helpful.... she told me what I already knew- knee caps move. I tried to explain to her that my knee cap was out of the ordinary, and hurts other times when it really shouldn't, and she blew it off. Grrr. She decided all that's wrong is a pulled ligament or something like that. Also, I'm supposed to not dance or strain my knee for about 10 days. (Vancouver Lindy Exchange is this weekend. :( I'm still going to go.)

Today would have been a great day to play frisbee.

I really shouldn't have pity partys anymore. Everyone else gets sick of them, and I get sick of them. I'm going to find the bright side of this.

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