Wednesday, August 20, 2003

For those of you who might be concerned, I have decided to fuck over giving up pop.
Since I heard that Jeremy died on Thursday, I have been drinking anything and everything caffiene related, and could care less about how healthy or unhealthy it is for me.
I wish Dr. Pepper was an addictive drug that could kill me, because right now it would bring a welcomed end. Sadly, I'm not seriously suicidal, and Dr. Pepper is indeed not some addictive drug.
I'm not sure how many of you make this connection when I talk about Dr. Pepper- but the only reason I ever started drinking it was because it was Jeremy's favorite pop, and he got me hooked while I was dating him. I believe I blogged about it once, and have yet to find what I had to say about it.
Anyway, bring on the caffiene and the consequences of drinking it.

And, while we're at it, could somoene please make it fucking rain? I could use a good thunderstorm. :(

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