Friday, August 08, 2003

So, tonight again, changed a lot. I realized that moving to Seattle has changed me quite a bit- and maybe I'm not really looking for a serious realtionship anymore. I mean, someday I want to settle down and get married- but that's a long way off. I'm happy just being free.....
After I talked to Jonathan about this new revelation (he was kind of tired, and I wonder if he'll remember later that we talked) he seemed to be okay with it. I'm still super excited about getting to know him- I think whatever happens between us (which is a long way off too), we're gonna end up pretty good friends.

Anyway, over all, I took Tim's advice- I was brave, and I took a risk. But, after considering circumstances, I admitted that it's not something I'm ready for- and I was even braver to live up to that knowledge. It would've been easier just to not have said anything.
Wherever I end up, I'm going to be happy. Already, I'm feeling pretty good.

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